Gull Kebap VR
Gull Kebap_VR is a video game that features Full-Dive_VR. This term is sometimes used by Elon Musk to denote a sophisticated VR-experience.
What makes Gull_Kebap_VR into a Full-Dive_VR experience.
Gull_Kebap_VR is preferably played standing. Seated mode is not fully functional and I believe this is a OpenVR issue.
The game is free to play in VR as well as in non-VR using a WASD/mouse interface [1].
Precompiled static global-illumination
The trinary-space-partition of the geometry within the game has a light-map. Next to a lightmap, Gull_Kebap_VR also keeps track of volumetric lighting properties. Position and orientation deterime the amount of light that can be gained.
The leads to a 5-dimensional tensor, that describes the radiosity of a specific level.
The level compiler for Gull_Kebap_VR uses a customizable amount of threads and runs in O(n log n) time.